Aglaée Degros

Aglaée Degros is an architect / urban planner and director of the office Artgineering, based in Brussels. With Artgineering, she devises and implements design strategies for complex (inter)urban conditions with a great interest for co-production and stakeholder involvement. In various research and design projects, she re-interprets the relation of mobility, landscape and urban development.

Furthermore Aglaée Degros is university professor and head of the Institute of Urbanism at the Graz University of Technology. In the past she has been a visiting professor and guest lecturer at the several architecture institutions throughout Europe. She had a professorship of Urban Culture and Public Space at Vienna University of Technology (2010) and the Academy of fine Arts in Vienna. She also was visiting professor at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels

Aglaée Degros is amongst others co-author of the Routledge publication ‘Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe’ and ‘Brussels, [re]discovering its spaces’. She regularly is a jury member at international urban planning and design competitions.

1972  Born in Leuven, Belgium

1990 – 1996  Architecture School, Sint Lukas Brussels, Belgium / Student

1994  Erasmus exchange, University TTKK Tampere, Finland / Student

1996  Erasmus exchange, TU Karlsruhe, Germany / Student

2001 – …  Artgineering, Rotterdam, The Netherlands / Director and co-founder

2006 – 2008  PhD candidate, metropolitan and regional design, TU Delft, The Netherlands / Researcher

2010 – 2011  Technische Universität Wien / Guest Professor Skuor

2013 – 2014  Akademie der Bildenden Künste, IKA / Vienna, Austria / Univ. Professor,  Roland Rainer Chair

2015 – 2016  Vrije universiteit Brussel, Belgium / Guest Professor Cosmopolis, Department of Geography

2014 – …  Artgineering, Brussels, Belgium / Director and co-founder

2015 – 2016  Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Guest professor Cosmopolis

2016 – …  Graz University of Technology / Professor and head of the Institut Für Städtebau

2022 – …  Artgineering ZT GmbH, Graz / Director and co-founder


Degros, A. et al., TU Graz; Territorial Urbansim Now, Zürich: Park Books (tbp), 2024

Armengaud M., Degros A., Radulova-Stahmer R., Towards Territorial Urbanism, Zürich: Park Books, 2023

Degros, A., Schwab E., Bagaric, A., Bauer, S., Radulova-Stahmer, R., Stefan, M., TU Graz; Basics of Urbanism, Zürich: Park Books, 2021

Bendiks, S, Degros, A, Traffic space is public space, Park Publisher, Zurich, 2019

Degros, A, Schwab, E. GAM. 15 – Territorial Justice, Jovis, Berlin, 2019

Degros, A. Loser, H. ‘Think space in Time’. In: Internationales Stadforum Graz, may 2017.

Degros, A. Wagner A, ‘Re connecting territory and people’. In: Graz architecture magazine 13, may 2017.

Degros, A. ‘Une ville ne nait pas smart mais le devient’. In: Espace Public, may 2017.

Degros, A. ‘Fosbury-flop ou de la ruse dans l’espace public’. In: L’Observatoire, la revue des politiques culturelles, nr 48, summer 2016.

Bendiks, S., Degros, A. ‘Fietsinfrastructuur – Cicloinfraestructura’, Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 2016.

Degros, A., Rollot, M. ‘Obstacles physiques et stratégies de revitalisation’. In: Catalogue E13, Paris 2016.

Bendiks, S., A. Degros, A. Puylaert. ‘L’enjeu de la mobilité à énergie humaine. Le cas du vélo.’ In: D’Arienzo, R., C. Younès, A. Lapenna, M. Rollot (eds.) ‘Ressources urbaines latentes, pour un renouveau écologique des territories.’ Genève: MetisPresses, 2016.

Bendiks, S, Degros, A, ‘Favorite(n) Arrival City’, Institute for Art and Architecture Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, 2015

Degros, A, De Cleene, M, ‘Brussels, [re]discovering its spaces’ / ‘Bruxelles, à la [re]conquête de ses espaces’ / ‘Brussel [her]verovert haar Buitenruimte’, 2014

Bendiks, S, Degros, A, ‘Bricolage’. In: Europan 12 Adaptable City. Europan Germany, Berlin 2014

Degros, A, ‘Territoires en réseaux ou l’éloge de la lenteur structurante’. In: La ville adaptable, 2014, p36-41

Degros, A, ‘Neues Image für die belgische Justiz?’. In: Bauwelt, nr.43, Berlin, November 2013, p16-21

Degros, A, ‘Le paysage Belge des 40 dernieres années’. In: A+, Brussels, June 2013

Madanipour, A, Knierbein, S, Degros, A (Eds), ‘Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe.’ Routledge, Oxford, November 2013

Degros, A., Knierbein, S., Madanipour, A., ‘Resilience, Rhythm, and public space. Shaping robust environments’. In: Degros, A., Dérive No54 ‘Public Spaces. RESILIENCE & RHYTHM’, 2013, p4-9

Bendiks, S, Degros, A, ‘Fietsinfrastructuur – Cycle infrastructure’, nai010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2013

Bendiks, S, Degros, A, ‘Fietssnelwegen of snelfietsroutes’. In: ‘Développement territorial | Passé – Présent – Futur, Les Cahiers nouveaux 82’, sept. 2012, pp. 86-91

Degros, A., ‘Vlaams Eldorado – Revitalisering van de Vlaamse infrastructurele publieke ruimte’, Architectuurboek Vlaanderen nr. 10, Vlaams Architectuurinstituut, Antwerp, 2012, pp. 114-137

Bendiks, S, Degros, A., ‘Van A naar F – ontwerpen aan snelle fiets routes’. In: Lay-out #14 Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur, Rotterdam, 2011.

Degros, A, Christiaansen, K, Specht, M – ‘Publieke acupunctuur’. In: Stedelijke transformatie in de tussentijd. Hotel Transvaal als impuls voor de wijk, red Lindemann, S, Schutten, I, SUN Trancity, Amsterdam, 2010

Bendiks, S, Degros, A, Vegt, H, ‘A12NU – onderzoek naar de A12 zone tussen Utrecht, Nieuwegein en Houten’, Stichting A12NU, 2009.

Artgineering, ‘N4 – toward a living infrastructure!’, A16 Editions, Brussels, 2008.

Bendiks, S, Couillandeau, V, Degros, A, Mantziaras, P, ‘La ville sur la route’. In: Design et projets d’équipements publics – ‘Infrastructure et paysage’, Colloque Biennale du Design 2006 – St. Etienne, Certu pp.226-246, 2008.

Degros, A., ‘Over Duurzaamheid/ Sustainability’. In: Europan 9 Results – European Urbanity – Sustainable City and New Public Space, ed. E. Vos, NAI Publishers, Rotterdam 2008, pp.10-14.

Degros, A., ‘Infrastuktur als ungeplante Öffentlichkeit?’. In: Bauwelt, nr. 17-18. pp.52-53, 2008.

Bendiks, S., Degros, A., ‘Roads and City – Dissociation and Proximity’. In: The European Tradition in Urbanism – and its Future, Bruyns, G., Fuchs, A., Hoekstra, M.J., Heyer, H., Nes, A. van (ed.), International Fortum on Urbanism (IFoU), Delft, 2007, pp.126-134.

Grants and Awards

2023  Public Award Public Space for Parc Belle Vue
2021  Award best bicycle infrastructure of Vlanderen for Parc Belle Vue
2020  Open call Vlaamse Bouwmeester, Redesign Grote Markt / Sint Niklaas, Belgium / 1st price
2020  Workshop Redesign of a traffic intersection Plärrer / Nürnberg, Germany / 2nd place
2018  Nomination Architectuur Prijs Stad Leuven for Park Belle Vue / Leuven, Belgium
2018  Exposition of Liedekerke park / Bruxelles Envinnement and CIVA, Brussels, Belgium
2019  Pyblik Award – the best public space in Brussels, for the refurbishment of Dumon square / Nomination
2019  Science Fellow VUB / Brussels, Belgium
2017  Règles d’or de l’urbanisme Award for the square Place St. Antoine / Brussels, Belgium
2017  Open call Brussels Bouwmester, Two foot bridges and public spaces / Berchem st Agathe, Belgium / 1er price
2016  Grant Creative Industries Fund for ‘New Rural Mobility’
2016  Invited competition Mobility plan Forest / Brussels, Belgium / 1st prize
2016  Open call Vlaamse Bouwmeester, Masterplan Hansbeke / Hansbeke, Belgium / 1st prize
2015  Competition Liedekerkepark / Sint Joost ten Node, Belgium / 1st prize
2014  Invited competition Centers Borgerhout / Antwerp, Belgium / 1st prize
2014  Invited competition redesign Dumon square / Brussels, Belgium / 1st prize
2013  Grant Creative Industry Fund for ‘Public outreach Urban Innovation’
2011  Citadelpark / Ghent, Belgium / 1st prize
2011  Masterplan ‘La Marlette’ / Seneffe, Belgium / 1st prize
2010  N23 Koggeland / Project Grant / icw. Bureau Middelkoop and municipality of Koggeland
2010  Open call Vlaamse Bouwmeester, pendelparking Oostkamp / 1st prize
2010  ‘A1 – P11’ Service Area / The Netherlands / 1st prize
2010  Contest Communaute Francaise de Belgique, Nautic Centre Peronnes / 1st prize
2009  Open call Vlaamse Bouwmeester, Ring Boom / 1st prize
2009  Publication grant ‘Fonds BKVB’, foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture
2008  Open call Vlaamse Bouwmeester, Park Belle-Vue Leuven / 1st prize
2007  Stipendium ‘Artist-in-résidence’, Krems, Austria
2005  Echt zien N470, mijN470 / 1st prize
2004  Bauhaus Award 2004 / nomination
2004  Geest en Grond competition / 1st prize
2004  Karl Hofer Award of the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) / 1st prize
2002 – 2003  Project Grant FBKVB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2001  Europan 6 competition / 2nd prize
1999  Baunetz Internet Competition / 3rd prize

Committees and Jurys

2023 – …        Advisory Board Ring Antwerpen (Quality chamber)

   Advisory Board New Campus University of Graz (Quality team)

   Advisory Board Programm strong centers, Region of Styria

2023              Jury member New Center, Hart bei Graz

   Comission member Habilitation Lindsay Howes

2021 – …       Advisory Board ot the flemish chief architect

2021               Jury member Caritas – New development of a school, Graz

   President of Jury BMA Baumeister Maistre Architecte, Brüssel

   Board member Europan, Austria

2020             Design Advisory Board Klagenfurt, Austria

   Advisory Board member Housing Commission City of Brussles

   Jury member Landluft Baukulturgemeindepreis

   Jury member VCÖ-Mobility Award 2020. “Verkehr auf Klimakurs bringen”

   Jury member Rudolf Wurzer – Award for regional planning

2019 – …       Member BAC (Brussels Airport Quality Chamber)

2019               Jury member Europan 15, Spain

   Comission member HDR Université de Grenoble, Luc Gwiazdzinski 

   Appointments Committee, Professorship Stadt und Wohnen, KIT, Kalsruhe 

   University of Cambridge

   Comission member TU Wien, Teacher of Urban Design

   Comission member habilitation TU Wien, Angelika Psenner

   Comission member VUB Brussels, Assistant Professor of Urban Design

   Member of the Senate, TU Graz

   Member of the Studycommittee, TU Graz

2018               Comission member TU Graz, Professor of interior design

   Jury member for ‘covering the Antwerp’s ring

   Jury member for the urban renovation subsidies of the Flemish region

   Jury member for the Rudolf Wurzer price

   Committee member of Europan Austria

   Member of the advisory concil of sustainability, TU Graz

2017               Jury member of Brussels for the Schuman Square

   Habilitation TU Graz (presidence) Andreas Lechner

   Appointments Committee RWTH Aachen prof staedtebau (extern midlied)

   Appointments Committee Hannover professor staedtebau (extern midlied)

2016              Member of the jury Feder for the improvement of the Grognon site in Namur

2015               Member of the jury Feder for the improvement of the public spaces of the city of Charleroi

   Member of the jury Europan 13 France 

   Commission member KU Leuven, teacher of urbanism

   Jury member for the urban renovation of the Zuiderdokken in Antwerpen

   Member of the jury Competition passage Tours France

2013               Jury member of Europan 12, Germany / Switzerland

2012 – …        Member of the advisory committee of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Hasselt

   Member of the jury for the Euregional award for architecture schools 2012

2011 – 2012   Member editorial committee Vlaams Jaarboek 2012

2011                Jury member of Europan 11, Switzerland

2010 – 2012   Chairman board Stichting Herbergen

2009               Jury member of  Europan 10, the Netherlands

2009               Jury member ‘Provinciale Architectuurprijs Vlaams-Brabant’

2009 – 2015   Commission member of “ beeldkwaliteit “, the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands

2007 – 2011   External adviser of Polytechnic School Windesheim

2008                Jury member for the competition Park Zandweerd, Deventer

2008                Open oproep jury member, Vlaams Bouwmeester / masterplan in Knokke, Belgium

2007 – 2009  Commission member, HGIS Culture Funds

2007 – …         Member of the Scientific committee of Europan

2006 – 2010   Commission member, Nederlands Architecture Fund (SFA)

2006                External urbanist advisor for the city of Nijmegen / project Hessenberg

2005                Jury member, Archiprix 2005

2004                External urbanist advisor of urbanism for the city of Nijmegem / project Josephhof


2021  Innsbruck, Austria / Europan Europe Forum / What theme
2021  Graz, Austria / Redesign the future
2020  Graz, Austria / HDA Graz / Stadt der Frauen / Geschlechtergerechte Mobilität
2020  Graz, Austria / UNESCO City of Design / The fragile city
2019  Innsbruck, Austria / Europan forum / The inclusive city
2019  Madrid, Spain / Chamber of architects / Territorial Justice
2019  Graz, Austria / Civitas forum / Microhubs
2019  Graz, Austria / HDA / Platz schaffen fürs Radfahren
2019  Trofaiach, Austria / Future symposium Trofaiach City Center
2019  Graz, Austria / FahrRad! / Exhibition Opening in collaboration with HDA Graz
2019  Graz, Austria / 12. Östereichischer Radgipfel / Cycle Strategy for small- & medium-sized towns
2019  Graz, Austria / Lecture ‘longdistance bicycle infrastructure for 40 mayors
2019  Graz, Austria / 18th STS Conference Graz / The peripherical challenge. Territorialjustice and new forms of mobility
2019  Graz, Austria / Stadtlabor Graz / Impulsvortrag & Workshop Zinzendorfgasse
2019  Graz, Austria / TU Graz / GAM Territorial justice in collaboration with GAM-labor
2019  Ljubljana, Slovenia / University of Ljubljana / Traffic space is public space
2019  Graz, Austria / Institut für Wohnbau / Symposium zum Thema Leerstand
2019  Graz, Austria / Schillerplatz / Parade für saubere Luft
2019  Graz, Austria / TU Graz / Stadtentwicklung (in collaboration with W. Dokonal and E. Schwab)
2019  Graz, Austria / TU Graz / Städtebau (in collaboration with Nicole Kirchberger)
2018  Graz, Austria / TU Graz / Neue Wege für Graz
2018  Brussels, Belgium / VUB / Traffic space is public space
2018  Salzburg, Austria / Europäischer Radgipfel / Fahrrad-Highway für Graz
2018  Graz, Austria / HDA / Europan, Productive city
2018  Vaduz, Liechtenstein / University of Liechtenstein / Transparency
2018  Graz, Austria / All Graz universities / Sustainable cities and districts
2018  Lausanne, Switzerland / Traffic space is public space
2018  Graz, Austria / Zeichensaal / How to rise
2017  Graz, Austria / TU Graz / Research and design
2017  Paris, France / Cité de l´architecture / Brussels transformation
2017  Wien, Austria / Forschungstag TU Wien / Research and design
2017  Dubrovnik, Croatia / Conference SUMP / Traffic space is public space
2017  Graz, Austria / TU Graz / Lunch lecture: Representation in urbanism
2017  Graz, Austria / Technikerinnen Talk / Women and architecture2017  Europan / Hamburg
2017  Paris / Citée de l’architecture / Bruxelles la possibilité d’une metropole
2017  Dubrovnik / 4th European conference on sustainable urban mobility / Space of mobility
2017  Graz, Austria / TU / Inaugural lecture at the Technical University in Graz
2016  Graz / Austria / TU Graz / The Art of Linking
2016  VRP congress / Mechelen / Making Public space
2015  Bratislava
2015  Film Archibelge / Canvas / RTBF / Bozar
2014  National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Naples / The transformation of the public space in Europe
2014  Europan / Pavia
2014  Observatoire des politiques culturelles / Académie fratellini,  Parijs / l’art de la ru(s)e
2014  Book presentation “ Brussel (her)verovert haar buitenruimte”  Buro europa, Maastricht / VAI, Antwerpen / AIR Rotterdam / Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
2014  Book presentation “Bruxelles à la reconquête de ses espaces”  Recyclart , Brussel / Ucl , Brussel / midi de l’urbanisme, Brussel
2013  Europan / Paris
2013  Europan / Berlin
2013  Vienna / Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, IKA / Cycle Strada
2013  Luxembourg, Fondation de l’Architecture et de l’Ingenierie, Eurpean architectures from Flanders
2012  Aarschot / VAI / ‘Vlaams architectuur jaarboek’, no. 10
2012  Heerlen / Schunck / New or Notropolis / Spooronderzoek / youtube:
2012  Luxembourg / Fondation de l’Architecture / Conference on Architecture, European Urbanisation and Globalistation
2011  Ljubljana / Slovenia / Human cities II
2010  Vienna / TU / Public Space and the challenges of urban transformation in Europe: politics and culture
2010  Roterdam / v/h Nieuwe Binnenweg / Remix, Atlas van de Nieuwe Binnenweg
2010  Vienna / TU / About roads, arts and politics
2010  Vienna / Townhall / The sense of place in urban planning
2010  Neufchatel / Europan, Mobility
2009  Graz / Europan 10 forum, Mobility
2009  Rotterdam / the Netherlands / Air / 27.06 / dag van de architectuur, mobility
2009  Rotterdam / the Netherlands / NAI / Opening of Europan 10
2009  Aorta Utrecht / Utrecht / the Netherlands / 14.01 / debate A12NU –  tactics for the future of the A12zone
2008  Rotterdam / the Netherlands / The Union / Re- invent Rotterdam
2008  Rotterdam / the Netherlands / Air / sustainability
2008  Paris / France / Europan 10 forum , sustainable city
2008  Brussels / Belgium / La Cambre / Pyblic, spatial expertise
2007  Catagne / Sicily / Europan 9 Forum, mobility
2007  St. Etienne / France / Conference Highway and Design
2007  Rotterdam / The Netherlands / N4, RPB Space Conference
2007  Brussels / Belgium / Sint-Lukas / Neighbourhood
2006  Lisse / The Netherlands / Bouwnetwerk / Bollenstreek, geest en grond
2006  Brussels / Belgium / CIVA / 24.04 / Re-nouveaux plaisirs d’architecture
2005  Liège / Belgium / Palais des Congres / Europan
2004  Amsterdam / The Netherlands / Stiching Nor / 21.12 / New public spaces
2004  Amsterdam / The Netherlands / Fashion academy / 04.10 / The city as catwalk