Vademecum fietsvoorzieningen
This Vademecum describes the standard guidelines for quality cycling infrastructure. Guidelines are not binding standards, but should be considered as recommendations and frameworks for quality cycling infrastructure within which the designer can motivate his choices. The guidelines contribute to the creation of an environment in which cycling is safe, convenient and easily accessible. Moreover, they create conditions for the realisation of a healthy, attractive and readable public space. The guidelines in the Vademecum aim for a high-quality bicycle infrastructure, for both moving and stationary bicycles. This Vademecum is therefore a touchstone against which to measure the quality of cycling infrastructure, whereby deviations from the guidelines can only be justified.
The Vademecum is based on four principles: (1) a high-quality cycling route network as a basis; (2) an accessible infrastructure for cyclists aged 8 to 80; (3) a growing number of cyclists and an increasing diversity of users and (4) cycling infrastructure considered from the perspective of the cyclist.
The Vademecum on Bicycle Facilities is intended to be a “live” and dynamic document, which will be regularly adapted and adjusted based on new insights, developments, or responses from the different users.
Artgineering together with the VUB was commissioned by the Flemish agency AWV and Fietsberaad to provide the process, content and design.
Year: 2022
Client: Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (AWV), FIETSBERAAD Vlaanderen
Partner: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) – Cosmopolis